Glace News, February 2021

February 25, 2021


HHS Proposes Modifications to HIPAA Privacy Rule

On December 10, 2020, the Department for Health and Human Services (HHS) announced proposed changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule to support individuals’ engagement in their care, remove barriers to coordinated care, and reduce regulatory burdens on the healthcare industry.

The proposed changes are part of HHS’s Regulatory Sprint to Coordinated Care, which seeks to promote value-based healthcare by examining federal regulations that impede efforts among healthcare providers and health plans to better coordinate care for patients.

Some of these changes would include:

Access Provisions

  • Response Time Shortened: providers would need to provide patients with copies of records and fulfill access requests within 15 calendar days, with the possibility of a 15 calendar day extension.
  • Facilitating Access Request Submissions: if a patient makes a request for their provider or health plan to obtain an electronic copy of PHI from another healthcare provider, the Requester-Recipient provider/health plan is required to submit the patient request to Discloser. The Requester-Recipient must make the submission on behalf of the patient as soon as possible but within 15 calendar days of receiving the request and any information necessary for submission to Discloser.
  • Responding to Access Request Submissions: providers and health plans would be obligated to respond to specific records requests received from other healthcare providers/health plans on behalf of the patient and their right of access.

Fee Limits and Disclosures

  • The fee structure for responding to requests to direct records to a third party would be amended under the proposed rule, and in certain circumstances, the access and copies would be provided for free. It would limit the amount providers may charge to a cost-based fee and what may be included in such fees would be very limited. Providers would be able to charge more for fulfilling requests that are no longer within the right of access. Providers would be required to disclose estimated fee schedules on their websites, offer estimates of fees, and provide itemized bills for completed services.

Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)

  • The proposed rule would update specific requirements involving individuals’ rights to their PHI and how those rights are applied. Providers would need to update their current NPP text to match the new rule and identify an NPP contact person for patient questions. Under the rule, providers would no longer be required to acquire a patient’s signature to confirm receipt of the provider’s NPP.

The changes are still in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) stage. The final rule, if adopted, would take effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register and compliance would be required 180 days after that, providing a 240-day compliance period.


These changes would require healthcare providers to revise their HIPAA policies, forms, and processes. Providers may also need to revise any business associate agreements, especially with regard to

patient rights provisions.

For more information about the proposed changes to the HIPAA privacy rule, including how to submit public comments in the Federal Register, please visit the HHS website:

What's New at Glenwood?

For Glenwood, keeping an eye on current trends allows us to continuously update our products to remain a top competitor in the marketplace. The COVID pandemic has presented a new challenge and our team has risen to the occasion; we have added new features that will allow users to track COVID-related information within GlaceEMR. Read on to learn how these changes can help you better serve your patients as we all continue to adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape.


EMR Updates: COVID-19 Vaccine Available in Glace 

Glenwood is ready with all the COVID-19 vaccine-related information in our database based on CDC recommendations.


We are working to add a COVID-19 feature in our flowsheet to track if a patient has already received the vaccination from an outside source.


We are currently developing reports to track all the patients who have received the vaccine – both first and second dose.


A decision support alert is also being added to track whether a patient has received both the doses and confirm the correct vaccine when they receive the second dose.

Billing Updates: Easy Book Appointments 

Easy Book appointments are now available on the provider website and remote check-in can be done via phone from your home or the office parking lot. 


Any new or existing patient can now book an appointment from the provider website without needing to create an account or login.


Also, once the appointment is booked, the patient can check-in and pay their balance from any location by using their phone.

Industry News

It's still dominating the news: COVID-19. The pandemic has made a huge impact on our daily lives and forced us to reevaluate the current healthcare landscape. Industry-wide changes have already been made and more are on the horizon. Keep informed of the latest updates and see what actions you can take now to ensure you are in the best position for success in 2021.

Are You Prepared for Another Wave of COVID?

The COVID-19 virus comes in peaks and valleys and our country has areas all along the spectrum. For the foreseeable future, the virus isn’t going anywhere and you need to be prepared for whatever might come.

How Doctors Can Humanize Virtual Care

COVID-19 has proven that modern communication technology can create enormously personal connections between doctors and their patients.

3 Ways to Improve Healthcare Tech for Better COVID-19 Care

Many healthcare organizations have successfully advanced virtual care and remote patient monitoring strategies in response to COVID-19, but some have encountered interoperability roadblocks along the way. As the pandemic remains a long-term concern, care providers must evaluate digital strategies that streamline communication.


How to Get Paid for Transitional Care Management

Transitional care management (TCM) services, which help patients transition from inpatient care to a community setting, are critical for preventing readmissions and keeping patients on a smooth track to recovery; they are also lucrative for practices. However, independent physicians usually aren’t notified when patients are admitted to and discharged from the hospital, making it difficult to meet TCM billing requirements. Now, information between hospitals and physicians can flow more freely thanks to a new CMS Condition of Participation (CoP).


5 Predictions for Voice and Chat Technology in 2021

The role of chat and voice solutions in healthcare has been elevated in 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. They are designed to enhance communication and deliver more control and knowledge directly into the hands of patients. They are also positioned to reduce administrative burdens on providers and assist in remote patient monitoring. In 2021, there will be numerous improvements and expansions of chat and voice solutions.


How COVID-19 has Accelerated Digital Transformation in Healthcare

At the beginning of 2020, many healthcare organizations had initiated digital strategies around telehealth, data analytics, and digital engagement. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of these efforts industry-wide and made them essential for healthcare organizations. 


3 Myths about A.I. and Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in healthcare is already being used to help detect diseases earlier and analyze vast data streams to identify risks and outcomes. It is also being used to onboard new patients, make patient management more efficient, and improve data outcomes for patients. However, to better understand the potential of A.I. in healthcare, certain myths need to be dispelled.

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