Glenwood Earns HISP P&S Accreditation

June 28, 2019

Glenwood is proud to announce we have achieved full accreditation with the Health Information Service Providers Privacy & Security (HISP P&S) program from the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) on May 25, 2019.

This accreditation recognizes excellence in health data processing and transactions, and ensures compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Security provisions.

Through EHNAC’s comprehensive third-party review and onsite audit, it was determined that Glenwood’s process of managing and transferring protected health information met or exceeded EHNAC’s criteria and industry standards.

“The ability to provide critical third-party oversight to Trust Entities responsible for managing the digital credentials used by directed exchange users, including the private keys of participants, and for handling health information in a manner that is consistent with privacy and security laws such as HIPAA, is crucial in today’s healthcare environment where the threat of attack or breach are all too real,” said EHNAC Executive Director Lee Barrett.

“By achieving HISP P&S accreditation, Glenwood has demonstrated to existing and prospective stakeholders a trust and confidence that customer data will be managed with integrity and effectiveness.”

For more information about EHNAC and the HISP P&S Accreditation process, please visit

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